Silgan Dispensing welcomes Weener Plastics.



WEENER EMPIRE PLASTICS LTD IS overjoyed to inform you that we have won the prestigious Indiastar Award for the third consecutive time!


The jury wowed by the features and ergonomic aspects of our standard design of the 150ml Mouth wash. The same can be found on the link below.


The pack comprises of the following components- bottle, dosage device/cap, dip tube and over cap. The unique features of the pack make life simpler for the end consumer.The customer has to just open the screw cap and squeeze the bottle. The capillary action pushes the liquid up the dip tube filling the measuring cup attached to the bottle.  At this stage, all excess liquid in the cup (in this case 10ml) flows back into the bottle. This eliminates the need of a separate measuring/dosage device/spoon etc.


The dosage device is the most innovative part of the pack. It is made of transparent PP and features a temper evident ring which makes it impossible to be tampered with. Using this concept similar cup sizes of other dosages like 5ml,15ml etc can be designed. The neck of the bottle is a standard 25mm ROPP neck eliminating the need of a specialized bottle. The only distinct requirement of the bottle is that it has to be squeezable.Even the filling location just has to fill the product and screw on the dosage device attachment which is shipped, pre assembled from the manufacturer (WEPL). It can be used for products like mouth wash, cough syrups, and specialized liquid detergents etc which need to be dosed in measured quantities.


The award will be presented in a glittering ceremony in January 2013 to coincide with the Indiapack event!

Saturday, September 01, 2012
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